Llama 3The open source AI model you can fine-tune, distill and deploy anywhere. Our latest models are available in 8B, 70B, and 405B variants.
Scale AITrusted by world class companies, Scale delivers high quality training data for AI applications such as self-driving cars, mapping, AR/VR, robotics, and more.
IBM WatsonFor more than a century, IBM has been a global technology innovator, leading advances in AI, automation and hybrid cloud solutions that help businesses grow.
GitHub CopilotGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
DeepSpeedDeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.