AI Prompt GeneratorUnlock the power of AI with our AI Prompt Generator! Generate, optimize, and enhance prompts for ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney, Flux, and Stable Diffusion.
GitHub CopilotGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
Snack PromptExplore a community-driven platform to discover, upvote, and share the best AI prompts for ChatGPT & Gemini. Follow topics, create and organize prompts, and connect with expert prompters. Unlock AI’s full potential with Snack Prompt.
MJ Prompt ToolThe ultimate AI prompt manager. Build, save, and discover innovative prompts for use in ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other artificial intelligence powered tools.
AiShortAI Short 是一款用于管理和分享 AI 提示词的工具,帮助用户更有效地定制、保存和共享自己的提示词,以提高生产力。该平台还包括一个提示词分享社区,让用户轻松找到适用于不同场景的指令。
ClickPromptClickPrompt 是一款专为 Prompt 编写者设计的工具,它支持多种基于 Prompt 的 AI 应用,例如 Stable Diffusion、ChatGPT 和 GitHub Copilot 等。 使用 ClickPrompt,您可以轻松地查看、分享和一键运行这些模型,同时提供在线的 Prompt 生成器,使用户能够根据自己的需求轻松创建符合要求的 Prompt,并与其他人分享。